
The Chapel is dedicated to growing committed followers of Jesus Christ, both locally and globally; and to compassionately care for those in need.  We are partnered with the following workers and ministries to help each continue their respective outreaches. 
**Although it is our desire to provide complete information, in some cases it is in their best interest to limit what we share.  
Thank you for your understanding.
If you would like more information on any of the workers below, please pick up a copy of our Missions Directory in the church foyer.

Brandon & Jenna Cole
The Coles are serving in SE Asia working among an unreached people group. Brandon will be involved in medical ministry including teaching (at a local medical school), medical clinics, ultrasound, and DBS (Discovery Bible Studies). Jenna will be involved in campus ministry at local university and DBS (Discovery Bible Studies). They serve with Send International. Currently, they are in full time language learning until summer of 2024. The Coles have two children, Jace and Silas.
Support page:
Dave & Ashley Jewell
Rift Valley Academy in Kenya
Dave and Ashley serve as middle school boys’ dorm parents and Dave also teaches at Rift Valley Academy, a Christian boarding school in Kenya serving kids of missionaries from all over Africa.

Lewis & Jessica Maynard
Lewis and Jessica serve missionary families, local Romanians and the expatriate community at Bucharest Christian Academy in Romania. By serving as missionary kid educators they enable other missionary parents to be able to focus 100 percent of their attention on the ministries they have been called to. To keep up with their most recent ministry updates and activities check out their facebook page at To partner with them financially safely and securely through the EFCA's website, click here.
Adi & Nicoleta Popescu
Slatina, Romania
Adi pastors Piatra Vie (Living Rock Church) in Slatina, Romania. This community of believers has as its mission “to be the light of the world, the salt of the earth and the fragrance of Christ in Slatina and also the village of Dobrun.” The Chapel has sent teams to Slatina most years since 1992 and has witnessed people coming to Jesus and forming a local church pastored by this Romanian believer.

Jim & Ruth Snyder
Rockford, Illinois serving Africa
Jim gives oversight to the work of EFCA’s ReachGlobal in Democratic Republic of Congo and serves as the primary consultant for holistic ministry for ReachGlobal and its partners throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

Julia Spriegel
Bomet, Kenya
I am a cardiac nurse working alongside Christian health care workers in Kenya to provide Christ-centered cardiac care in the hospital. Together we will develop and teach cardiac care to medical providers, patients, and the community.  We are changing hearts physically and spiritually for God.  To find out more about Julia visit her website,

Dan & Laura Tietz
Texas – Reaching International Students in the USA
Dan serves Bridges International (arm of Cru) to give direction and support to the mission of reaching 1.3 million international students studying in the USA and sending them around the world as ambassadors for the Gospel.

Matt & Leann Whitacre
Littleton, Colorado
Matt serves with Overseas Missionary Fellowship International (OMF) as director of Serve Asia. His role is to recruit, mobilize, facilitate, and train teams of people desiring to go serve in Asia on short-term ministries. Leann is busy caring for their three daughters.

Mike & Mariko Yaney
Mike and Mariko serve as church-planters in Japan. They build relationships with people by offering English classes and Japanese/English Bible study. Mariko is also involved with their church outreach to a home for handicapped people.