I'm New


We'd love to have you join us on Sunday
at 9:00 or 10:35 AM! 


We're located at 4250 Washington Ave., St. Joseph, Michigan
We have two parking lots and you are welcome to park in our designated Guest parking spaces. 

Sunday Services

Both sermons are identical and Biblically-based. We also offer Adult Bible Fellowships (see below) during both hours and for all walks of life.

Get to Know Other Adults

If you're looking for a group to get involved in that is in the same life-stage as you, join one of our Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) where we discuss relevant topics and come together in fellowship and prayer for one another.  ABFs take place on Sunday during the worship times. 

We are committed to teaching God's truth, applying it in our daily lives, and providing many wonderful opportunities for children, students, and adults to learn, grow, and serve. 

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.